Sunday, September 18, 2011

It's been a long time

     In all honesty, I knew that when I started this blog, it would be a challenge for me to keep it up to date. There is no pretty way of saying this, so I will just say it - this past year (the past 4 years, to be honest) has been very difficult. My health has been poor and I have been learning how to live in a disabled body. I spent months without knitting anything and almost as long not spinning. But now I'm back! At least I think I am. The knitting bug has bitten me again and I am so thankful for that.

     The most exciting news to come out of my neck of the woods is the new LYS that my very talented friend, Renee, recently opened. Spun Right Round offers yarn, fiber, batt kits, her own gorgeous batts and hand dyed rovings, accessories, Blue Q bags, soaps and lotions created by another talented friend, Vickie, of Daisy Lamont Soap, Ashford spinning wheels and accessories, books, weekly knit nights, classes, patterns... I could go on and on!

It has been a pleasure watching her dream become reality. The shop has so many personal touches and is a very warm and welcoming place to visit.

     Yesterday, Renee and I decided to try a new-to-us method of carding batts. Following the lesson of Deb Menz in Color in Spinning, we attempted to card a batt with horizontal stripes.

Though it didn't turn out exactly as we had planned, I'm pretty sure we realized what our mistake was; the staple length of the merino was just too long to use the four colors we tried to fit on. However, the batt was still really pretty.

I drafted and prepared to spin.

Though we didn't get the color blocking we were hoping for, it spun up quite nicely.

It is currently hanging to dry. Because I spun about 200 yards, I'm planning to knit a cowl either for Renee or for the shop. I'm excited to see how it knits up!

     In terms of my own fiber ventures, I was asked to bring some fiber and yarn over to Main Stay Massage. As a result, Renee and I have been asked to vend and do spinning demonstrations at am upcoming wellness event at the 1890 House

   I hope to keep updating a bit more than usual, but I've learned not to make any promises to myself lately so as to avoid disappointment. : )